Dumbass worm has stupid amounts of creativity, and too much spare time.
Artstyle consistency is nonexistent, I always switch it up so I can keep drawing what's fun to me!
PFP and Banner Drawn by traitorandmole



Joined on 12/19/20

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headfilledwithmoosh's News

Posted by headfilledwithmoosh - 7 days ago

Working on redraws of the two BIG scenes (IYKYK but at this point who doesn't know) in MC12 cause OH. MY. GOD. (i'm also using this as an excuse to rewatch it a billion times) The feelings those scenes in particular evoked in me need to be studied, and I gotta see if I can replicate even a FRACTION of the visceral fear conveyed. Currently cleaning lineart up on the first so hopefully it'll be done in a timely matter, LOL!


Sanford my dear boy... look at what happened to you... :[ He needs a warm bubble bath with a rubber duck and bedsheets still warm from the dryer, i swear. iu_1276032_8403398.webp


Posted by headfilledwithmoosh - August 30th, 2024

Been on a MadCom doodle spree lately, and I've decided to actually hunker down and try to do something a little different from my usual stuff for MadCom Day! I promise I haven't fallen off the face of the earth after Artfight, I'm workin hard! Messing with a blend of Krinkles' more recent art and depictions of Madness (As opposed to basing it off the series' style) and what I find comfortable and satisfying to draw is SO FUN. Much more comfortable than what I was previously doing grunt-wise.

(Here's a lil snippet of the experimentation progress, I swear I ain't lyinnn. It's Deimos bein' goofy and hella cocky! Not that you can tell much from just this...)


If I squeeze any art in around this stuff and trying to rediscover what my primary art looks like independent of subject, I'll be sure to post it... but I ain't promising anything! And I apologize for the possible style whiplash, I do NOT settle into a style well. One of my bad art traits, along with half my time with clip open being looking ANYWHERE but clip.


Posted by headfilledwithmoosh - July 4th, 2024

I forgot to post this on the first day let’s just pretend I did.

I’m gonna be ATTEMPTING to post one piece from each day I do of Artfight, and if I don’t draw that day I have other attacks i’ll post to fill the space. It’ll help my page look less barren, if anything.

My Artfight is here if you’re also participating, or just wanna look at the pieces I did that didn’t get posted here.

Also! I got scouted which is cool as hell! I’m glad someone liked my art enough to do that, I am very flattered, and I hope my presence in the Portal is a positive one! All I wanna do on here is create nonstop, and if my art makes someone do a big ol’ grin, i’ll do one just as big. I don’t often do art I consider for whatever reason “worth posting”, so hopefully this Artfight season can hammer that idea outta me.
